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Actuarial Science Program

Awards and Scholarships

Scholarship Award Recipients

The recipients of the 2022-2023 Actuarial Science Scholarships are the following:

  • Scotty Tucker Memorial Scholarship: Arianne Joy Dayit and Kechen Tian
    • Selecting criteria: 1. Major in AcSc, Minor in Risk Management & Insurance; 2. GPA is above 3.5; 3. Sat and/or passed at least one actuarial exam during the year. 
  • Excellence in Actuarial Science Scholarship:  Jiyao Luo and Tanner OGrady
    • Description: Scholarship for the Excellence in Actuarial Science is awarded to students in the Actuarial Science program who have passed one or more professional exams from the Society of Actuaries and/or the Casualty Actuary Society in addition to maintaining a 3.0 GPA or above at MTSU.  The scholarship is based on the contributions from the CAS University Award, the Casualty of Actuaries of the Southeast (CASE) actuarial program award, the MTSU actuarial student fund, the Syed Hossain and Harold S. Spraker actuarial science fund, as well as individuals who kindly support MTSU Actuarial Science program.
  • BL Hong Memorial Scholarship: Danlei Zhu, Linmiao Deng, and Xingyu Chen
    • Description: B.L. Hong Memorial Scholarship Fund for Actuarial Science, established by Dr. Don Hong and family through Middle Tennessee State University Foundation in honor of his father Bai Lin Hong. B.L. Hong Memorial Scholarship recipients are students in actuarial science program who have passed four or more professional exams from the Society of Actuaries or the Casualty Actuarial Society.

Apply for Awards and Scholorships