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Actuarial Science Program

Why Study Actuarial Science at MTSU?

You may wonder, why choose MTSU over other state universities to study actuarial science? 

  • MTSU Actuarial Science lands coveted Gold Tier recognition
  • Middle Tennessee State University has been named one of the best places to earn an undergraduate degree in the nation by The Princeton Review, which called it “a go-to  choice for those wishing to receive a quality and affordable education.”
  • Actuary is a top-ranked career with high salaries, job security, life-in-balance, and endless opportunities. The Actuarial Science program at MTSU is nationally and internationally recognized as one of the best in the southeastern region of the USA. We  won the 2020 University Award from Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) and we are listed as a UCAP advanced program by the Society of Actuaries (SOA). We are currently actively seeking the Center for Actuarial Excellence (CAE) designation from SOA. MTSU became the first school in Tennessee to receive the CAS University award and is a promising candidate for the SOA CAE.
  • MTSU actuarial curriculum is comprehensive and offers a wide range of programs to meet the needs of students: B.S. in Actuarial Science, M.S. in Mathematics with Actuarial Science and Financial Mathematics (AFM) Concentration, M.S. in Professional Science (MSPS) with Actuarial Science concentration. MTSU is the only university in Tennessee that offers actuarial science programs at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
  • MTSU is the only state university offering a stand-alone BS degree in actuarial science. At MTSU, actuarial students have opportunities to minor in Risk Management & Insurance (RMI), Data Science, or Statistics, and continue their actuarial science education to graduate levels.
  • MTSU actuarial courses are taught by faculty who have experience and credentials in actuarial science: Two of our program faculty attained prestigious Associate of the Society of Actuaries (ASA) designation. Other faculty members are either actively pursuing actuarial credentials or have experience in industry. MTSU’s Actuarial Science program has the strongest faculty group among the universities in Tennessee to provide quality education in the field.
  • MTSU actuarial faculty members are very active in actuarial science research. Students have opportunities to work with them, do research and get experience. Find more research 
    information by visiting:  MTSU is going to host the 2024 Actuarial Research Conference (ARC) in the summer of 2024. ARC is the major actuarial science research conference in North America.
  • Students have opportunities to listen and learn from industry professionals. Every semester the MTSU Actuarial Student Club organizes several events where students get to hear from actuarial science professionals. See the past events by visiting: 
  • MTSU Actuarial Science program always puts students first. Many of our actuarial science classes are offered in one- or two-day schedules. If you are already working in industry, that is no problem. The program offers two fully online courses. You can take these two courses (Exam P and Exam FM related coursework) fully online.
  • We also offer tutoring (online and in person) specifically catered toward actuarial science exam preparations. We have Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) who have passed several actuarial exams and are capable of tutoring for exams. MTSU students can get this service at no cost at all. MTSU Actuarial Science program with features of small-size classes, strong faculty group, tight connection with industries, and national/international recognition has attracted students from other states and countries. See a student testimony by visiting: Middle Tennessee State University – Actuarial Science Student Q&A: David Phillips | AdvisorSmith 
  • As of 2022, over 50 actuarial alumni have achieved Associate or Fellow of the SOA or the CAS designations. In particular, two students achieved the ASA before graduation from MTSU’s actuarial science graduate studies. More than 50% of our students pass at least two exams before graduation.
  • At MTSU you are not alone. Our Actuarial Math Student Association (AMSA) is a perfect place to bond with other fellow students in actuarial science. AMSA’s mission is to create a better social and educational environment for actuarial students.